Some help and info about Powwow

The code below is code im currently using myself it _should_ work ;)
If you have any fun suggestions please e-mail them to me but I will be the one to decide if I will spend my time to do it.

Some of my SIMPLE markings, aliases and actions

Some of my more ADVANCED markings, aliases and actions

Simple markings, aliases and actions
Load powwow definitions from another file than the current one:
(I included this example since alot of people have asked me about it)
#exe <the-file-i-want-to-use
Alias to make butcher corpses more easy:
(type "bc" to butcher the first corpse and type "bc number" to butcher "number.corpse")
#alias bc=#if (*\$0) butcher $0.corpse; #else butcher corpse

Advanced markings, aliases and actions
Aliases and actions to count your player kills:
(type"pks" to count the player kills and "pk" to recall the last count)
#alias pks={#(@nrpks=0);#(@diffpks=0);#action +wpp1;#action +wpp2;#action +wpp3;#action +wpp4;tro #;info Current number of warpoints: %K}
#alias pk={#action +wpp3;#emul Current number of warpoints: dfgf}
#action >-wpp1 ^| &1, &2%,  #$3 &4| &5, &6%,  #$7 &8={#print;#(@nrpks = @nrpks+ $1+$5);#(@diffpks = @diffpks +2)}
#action >-wpp2 ^| &1, &2%,  #$3 &4|                                      |={#print;#(@nrpks = @nrpks+ $1);#(@diffpks = @diffpks +1)}
#action >-wpp3 &1Current number of warpoints: $2={#action -wpp1;#action -wpp2;#action -wpp3;#action -wpp4;#print -------------------------------------------------------------------------------;#print ("| Total number of pks: "+%(@nrpks)+" (of "+%(@diffpks)+" different chars)");#print -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
#action >-wpp4 *** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)=#print -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Aliases and actions to modify the output from the "time" command
#action >+timegag1 ^According to the $1 calendar, it is:={#print ------------------------------------------------------;}
#action >+timegag2 ^The present Tan Istar=
#action >+timegag3 ^Real time is =#print ------------------------------------------------------
#action >+time ^&1 on &2, the &3 of &4, Year &5 of the Third Age.={#($month = "$4");#if (\$1?"pm") {#if (\$1=="12pm") {#(@-33=12)}; #else {#(@-33=%\$1+12)}}; #else {#if (\$1=="12am") {#(@-33=0)}; #else {#(@-33=%\$1)}};#(@-34=$-33?\$4-1);#(@-34=@-34/14);#(@-34=@-34+1);#print (attr "bold cyan" + %@-33+ noattr +" on "+\$2+", the "+\$3+" of "+\$4+". "+ attr "bold cyan" + "Dawn: "+$-34:@-34+" Night: "+$-35:@-34 + noattr)}
#($-35 = "19 20 20 21 22 21 20 20 19 18 17 18", $-34 = "7 7 6 5 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 8", $-33 = "Astron        Thrimidge     Forelithe     Afterlithe    Wedmath       Halimath       Winterfilth   Blotmath      Foreyule      Afteryule     Solmath       Rethe         ")
#action >+time2 ^$1, the $2 of $3, Year $4 of the Third Age.={#($month = "$3");#print}
Alias and action to get a marked list of with current marked in "bold cyan"
(the above action "time" is needed for this alias to mark properly)
#action >-markmonth ^ $1 &2 ($3 $4)={#if ("$1" == $month) #print (attr "bold cyan" + " $1 $2" + noattr +" ($3 $4)");#else #print}
#alias month={#action +markmonth;#print;#print  Months     Dawn  Night;#emulate --------------------------------;#emulate  Astron      7     19 (Spring 1);#emulate  Thrimidge   7     20 (Spring 2);#emulate  Forelithe   6     20 (Spring 3);#emulate  Afterlithe  5     21 (Summer 1);#emulate  Wedmath     4     22 (Summer 2);#emulate  Halimath    5     21 (Summer 3);#emulate  Winterfilth 6     20 (Autumn 1);#emulate  Blotmath    7     20 (Autumn 2);#emulate  Foreyule    7     19 (Autumn 3);#emulate  Afteryule   8     18 (Winter 1);#emulate  Solmath     9     17 (Winter 2);#emulate  Rethe       8     18 (Winter 3);#emulate --------------------------------;#action -markmonth}
Alias and actions to count your droughts and ingrediences
("draughts sack" to count draughts in sack, "draugths inv" to count draughts in inventory etc.
If you want to recall the last count type just "draughts")
#alias draughts={#if ("$0" == "") {#action +draught5;info -|Display # of draughts|-};#else {#(@nrdraughtsnow=0);#(@nrtails=0);#(@nrfurs=0);#(@nrleaves=0);#(@nrvials=0);#action +draught1;#action +draught2;#action +draught3;#action +draught4;#action +draught5;#action +draught6;#if ("$0" == "inv") {inventory};#else {exa $0};info -|Display # of draughts|-}}
#action >-draught1 ^a short, moist tail={#(@nrtails += 1)}
#action >-draught2 ^some short, black fur={#(@nrfurs += 1)}
#action >-draught3 ^a handful of narrow leaves={#(@nrleaves += 1)}
#action >-draught4 ^a vial of preserved blood={#(@nrvials += 1)}
#action >-draught6 ^a flask of orkish draught={#(@nrdraughtsnow += 1)}
#action >-draught5 -|Display # of draughts|-={#print +-------------------------------------+;#(@nrdraughts=10000);#if (@nrtails<@nrdraughts) #(@nrdraughts=@nrtails);#if (@nrfurs<@nrdraughts) #(@nrdraughts=@nrfurs);#if (@nrleaves<@nrdraughts) #(@nrdraughts=@nrleaves);#if (@nrvials<@nrdraughts) #(@nrdraughts=@nrvials);#print ("| Number of draughts you have   : "+%(@nrdraughtsnow));#print ("| Number of draughts you can do : "+%(@nrdraughts));#print +-------------------------------------+;#print ("|  Tails : "+%(@nrtails));#print ("|  Furs  : "+%(@nrfurs));#print ("|  Leaves: "+%(@nrleaves));#print ("|  Vials : "+%(@nrvials));#print +-------------------------------------+;#action -draught1;#action -draught2;#action -draught3;#action -draught4;#action -draught5;#action -draught6}

Oskar Sandwall <>